Workshop: Learning the language of theatre

Workshop: Learning the language of theatre

Zweitägiger Theaterkritik-Workshop für jugendliche Teilnehmer:innen am Young Europe Festival in Berlin (in englischer Sprache)

From 13 to 16 May, the Young Europe Festival presents all productions which were developed in the framework of “Young Europe 2: Multilingual Creation and Education”. The THEATER AN DER PARKAUE Berlin will host the festival.

Apart from watching theatre productions from Cyprus, Hungary, Norway, the Netherlands, France, Finland and Germany, the audience can talk to the theatremakers and the young people in order to find out about the working processes. All works dared to try new and wider possibilities with regard to young people‘s participation. Questions and experiences arising from this process will be dealt with in post-show talks, discussions and workshops. Within the Young Europe Talent Campus programme, around 20 young Europeans are invited from each partner theatre to form a European jury entitled to present their impressions about the plays at the end of the festival. In addition, an experimental blog will be initiated in collaboration with and with the participation of 4 young people to follow every step of the festival and to keep the event alive for the online community.

18 young people coming from 7 different countries (Hungary, Cyprus, Germany, Finland, Netherlands, Norway and France) are invited to the 1st Young Europe Talent Campus as part of the Young Europe 2 Festival to participate in an intensive workshop about theatre criticism. The workshop is a collaboration with the unique online theatre criticism portal that will host the blog which the Young Europe Talent Campus participants will develop throughout the festival. Animated by the theatre journalist and editor Georg Kasch, they will present their reflections on the various European theatre practices and techniques and debate on them with the festival audience and creative teams as part of the closing evening of the festival.