Podiumsgast: Praktiken der Kritik – Ein Werkstattgespräch

Podiumsgast: Praktiken der Kritik – Ein Werkstattgespräch

Panel bei der Jahreskonferenz „Literary Value: Artistic, Academic and Critical Practices“ des Exellenzclusters  EXC 2020 „Temporal Communities“ (FU Berlin)

Mit Elke Buhr, Gregor Dotzauer, Georg Kasch, Ekkehard Knörer & Lea Schneider
Leitung: Nadja Küchenmeister

This year’s annual conference investigates practices, contexts and agents of li­terary evaluation. The assignment of value to texts and artworks within the cultural sphere, the academic world and on the global market is deeply entangled with the dynamics of power and gatekeeping, inclusion and exclusion. As such, notions about literature and literary value are subject to continuous explicit or implicit negotiation, challenge and subversion. The three conference sections „Artistic Practices“, „Academic Practices“ and „Critical Practices“ aim to develop a praxeological perspective on the various ways in which literary value is produced and questioned within the respective fields.

Concept and organisation: Research Area 4: „Literary Currencies“ (Florian Fuchs, Michael Gamper, Till Kadritzke, Alexandra Ksenofontova, Anna Luhn and Jutta Müller-Tamm)

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